This is a field picture of a Steam Sparging application. Our customer (papermill) is taking live steam and dumping it into a tank or vat of water to heat the water. They typically will have a “sparging” nozzle on the end of the line in the bottom of the tank, and it is basically a piece of pipe with a bunch of small holes drilled into it to inject the steam into the water in small amounts, to reduce vibration and shaking. However, this is a violent interaction as the steam condenses into water, so no matter what, there is going to be shaking and banging going on and so vibration is the main issue to be addressed here.
Duncan Company helped our customer replace their existing positioner (that the shaking was causing much damage in a short time, thus having repeated failures) with a Trimteck OpGL, that is better for several reasons:
1. The actuator is much smaller and more compact. The height and width of the actuator being closer to the center of the body of the valve means that as the valve shakes and moves, there is less of a lever arm distance, so the accessories on the Trimteck are shaken less both in terms of amount of movement and overall acceleration of the movement.
2. With the valve on it’s side, the weight of parts moving inside the valve actuator are much less in the Trimteck than the larger previous spring and diaphragm actuator, meaning the guide bearings and bushings in the Trimteck will las longer and hold up better.
3. We removed the positioner from the cocntrol valve and remote mounted it to the wall to the upper left of the control valve so that the potentiometer is the only part of the positioner mounted on the control valve. This eliminates the effect of vibration on the positioner, and the pot assembly on the valve can withstand a lot of vibration, so the positioner assembly will now last a much longer time in service.
4. You can see in the picture that this is a fairly tight space for this control valve. With the overall size of the Trimteck being much smaller than the Fisher, it was much easier to install.
For more information on how we can help you with your difficult applications, give our experience team a call at 612-331-1776!
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